Current Plan of the School buildings Surrounding area courtesy Google
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Year Buildings / Accomodation
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Year Buildings / Accomodation
190x Mitcham Boys School (Primary) Hall surrounded by classrooms on three sides (later 2 to 8)
1922 Mitcham County School Staff Room in roof void 'black upper-storey hole', Addition of science room
1933 Laboratories Rooms 9 10 11 - Class Rooms 13 14 - Headmaster's Room
1937 Library Block
Library - Art Room (formerly Room 7) - Geography Room which hitherto was in building known as the 'Tin Tabernacle' which had also used for the dining-hall and kitchen
Kitchens added to main building - School hall used as Dining Room
1940 September - A land mine explosion behind the school made the buildings virtually unusable and led to the evacuations
1944 Mitcham County Grammar School
1950 Rooms 17 & 18 (the Music Room) were built
196x New Kitchen and Dining Room across the road
196x Junior laboratories erected beside Room 18
1963 Movable classroom erected behind the main block. A small carpark constructed behind the new laboratories
1964 A second large classroom
1965 A third extra classroom erected behind the main building in line with the junior laboratories.
The rebuilding of the old store-shed behind room 6 adjoining the playground for a sixth form class-room.
The Biology laboratory was extended by adding the old print room