Mitcham Heritage Day
Saturday September14th 2019
Saturday September14th 2019
This turned into a very worthwhile event attended by some 30 to 40 OM’s. Great interest was shown in the memorabilia on show and the visit to the old school premises. With all the new building which has taken place since it ceased to be MCGS it is almost hard to recognise except for the hall, the gym and a few classrooms. Our grateful thanks go to the headmaster and staff of St Peter & Paul R.C school who gave us a great welcome and laid the whole school open to us.
We must also give great thanks to Paul Flowers Managing Director of the Company M3 (whose father was an OM) who not only gave us space to display our memorabilia but with his staff produced several brilliant display boards for us. To cap it all he and his team provided us with refreshments throughout the day and a barbecue lunch. Their generosity is very greatly appreciated.
Doug Morris, Bob Brett, John Brett, ‘Digger’ Stanley, Ralph Bicknell, ‘Mog’ Gabriel, John Walsh, John Woodley, Colin Chapman, Don Atkinson, Ewan Green, Ken Lavey, Tom Sage, Brian Forsdick, Jim Anslow
We must also give great thanks to Paul Flowers Managing Director of the Company M3 (whose father was an OM) who not only gave us space to display our memorabilia but with his staff produced several brilliant display boards for us. To cap it all he and his team provided us with refreshments throughout the day and a barbecue lunch. Their generosity is very greatly appreciated.
Doug Morris, Bob Brett, John Brett, ‘Digger’ Stanley, Ralph Bicknell, ‘Mog’ Gabriel, John Walsh, John Woodley, Colin Chapman, Don Atkinson, Ewan Green, Ken Lavey, Tom Sage, Brian Forsdick, Jim Anslow